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How to Prep for College

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How to Prep for College

CW President, Mary Beth Del Balzo suggests that the best way to begin to tackle a project or decision that feels overwhelming is to educate yourself and to get organized, step by step. Then it feels easier. You only have to take one step at a time.

So take a look at our “How to Prep and Get Into College” guide and feel free to give us a call or schedule a visit so we can help you get organized.

What to Expect


• Read a ton (it helps with your vocabulary)
• Sign up for challenging classes – but don’t overextend yourself.
• Start experimenting with extra-curricular or elective classes to see what you like.
• With the PSAT behind you, try some free practice SAT Reasoning Tests at:
   > FYI – YES!  CW is a Test Optional College!
• Max out your privacy settings on your social media.
• Start Requesting College information.


• Keep reading – It really does help!
• If you haven’t before now, get to know your guidance counselor and share your interests.
• Pick the activities you’ve liked best so far and become more involved.
• Start exploring college online and by visiting.
• Some colleges are Test Optional. Find out if your college choice requires the SAT/ACT and register.
> Pssst…You can take the test for free if you qualify…speak to your guidance counselor.
> YES!  CW is a Test Optional College!
• Considering your interest, plan to ask two of your favorite teachers for letters of recommendation.
• Begin to organize your awards and transcripts in one place.


• If you haven’t already, ask teachers for letters of recommendation.
• Meet with your guidance counselor.
• Complete your college essay and have it reviewed by a few people.
• Register and take the tests necessary for your college picks.   > CW is a Test Optional College!
• Submit your transcript requests to your guidance counselor.
• Apply early or not; that depends on you. Be aware of deadlines!
• Research and apply for scholarships.
• Meet with college Financial Aid Departments.
• Graduate! Celebrate!!
• Choose a college!


Student Success Coaches

Each new student is assigned a Student Success Coach to help them adapt to college life at CW. Dedicated Coaches are the student’s advocate and go-to staff member and help develop proactive strategies when life challenges arise.

The Learning Center

In a welcoming, comfortable environment, tutoring is conducted with A Value-Added Approach to Assessing Two- and Four-Year Schools. The understanding that students have different learning styles that need to be addressed with professionalism and patience. The staff at The Learning Center works collaboratively with instructors to ensure student success in pursuit of their college degrees.

Career Services

CW has a proven track record for presenting candidates with solid skills and the desire to succeed. Employers are familiar with and respect our career-relevant courses. Our focus is to tailor our services to the needs of each student at various stages in their career to help them create winning career connections. You will be assigned an industry-specific counselor who will get to know your strengths, weaknesses, goals, ambitions, talents and personality.
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