How to Prep for College
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CW President, Mary Beth Del Balzo suggests that the best way to begin to tackle a project or decision that feels overwhelming is to educate yourself and to get organized, step by step. Then it feels easier. You only have to take one step at a time.
So take a look at our “How to Prep and Get Into College” guide and feel free to give us a call or schedule a visit so we can help you get organized.
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What to Expect
• Read a ton (it helps with your vocabulary)
• Sign up for challenging classes – but don’t overextend yourself.
• Start experimenting with extra-curricular or elective classes to see what you like.
• With the PSAT behind you, try some free practice SAT Reasoning Tests at:
> FYI – YES! CW is a Test Optional College!
• Max out your privacy settings on your social media.
• Start Requesting College information.
• Keep reading – It really does help!
• If you haven’t before now, get to know your guidance counselor and share your interests.
• Pick the activities you’ve liked best so far and become more involved.
• Start exploring college online and by visiting.
• Some colleges are Test Optional. Find out if your college choice requires the SAT/ACT and register.
> Pssst…You can take the test for free if you qualify…speak to your guidance counselor.
> YES! CW is a Test Optional College!
• Considering your interest, plan to ask two of your favorite teachers for letters of recommendation.
• Begin to organize your awards and transcripts in one place.
• Meet with your guidance counselor.
• Complete your college essay and have it reviewed by a few people.
• Register and take the tests necessary for your college picks. > CW is a Test Optional College!
• Submit your transcript requests to your guidance counselor.
• Apply early or not; that depends on you. Be aware of deadlines!
• Research and apply for scholarships.
• Meet with college Financial Aid Departments.
• Graduate! Celebrate!!
• Choose a college!