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Students Represent CW at Clemson Institute for the Study of Capitalism

CW students Nicole Kotash and Kevin Perez, were accepted to participate at The Clemson Institute for the Study of Capitalism Spring Conference. Under the topic, “The Morality of Capitalism,” Nicole and Kevin both received scholarships to participate and will join students from other states in the US, as well as international students and spend time with professors, activists, and other experts on liberty to study the foundations of a free society. Attendees walk away with a better understanding of what capitalism and morality are and how to effectively fight for them.

Nicole, an Accounting major, says, “I am very excited for the opportunity to attend the Clemson University conference this year. I am not only looking forward to learning about conservatism and economics but am also eager to hear all of the other attendees’ opinions on the topics. It is exciting to meet new students from different states with a range of education majors to gain a new perspective. This is an amazing opportunity to broaden my horizons!”

The Clemson Institute for the Study of Capitalism holds its annual conference for undergraduate and graduate students at Clemson University in Clemson, South Carolina. This conference is co-sponsored by the Foundation for Economic Education. The institute accepts students, age 18-26, who are new to economics and the freedom philosophy and are interested in learning more about the world around them.

For more information on The Clemson Institute for the Study of Capitalism, visit

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