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The College of Westchester Celebrates its 105th Commencement

The College of Westchester celebrated its 105th Commencement Ceremony on Thursday, August 5thth.  As part of the celebrations, the event included opening remarks by President Mary Beth Del Balzo as well as Keynote Speaker, Leigh Anne McMahon, Executive Vice President of Patient Care Services and Chief Nursing Officer of White Plains Hospital. President Del Balzo congratulated the Class of 2021 as the college celebrated its 105th anniversary.

Commencement also included two student speakers:

Fanchon N. Stover who earned her Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration.
Rhyan Perry who earned his Bachelor’s degree in Healthcare Services Administration

Click here to view Commencement Videos and Livestream

About The College of Westchester

The College of Westchester has been educating students in the tristate area for over 100 years. Located in White Plains, CW is a bachelor degree granting private college.
For more information call 914-831-0200 or visit

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