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CW Partners with Concordia

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The College of Westchester is proud to have been asked by the administration of Concordia College to be a partner in the teach-out of Concordia’s students and assisting them toward completion of their college degrees. Like Concordia College, The College of Westchester (CW) has a long tradition of providing quality, career-focused, education to residents of Westchester County and the surrounding region and, like Concordia College, CW, provides a welcoming and supportive environment for first-generation students and is among the local leaders in providing an education that enhances social mobility. A recent study by Georgetown University noted that CW was among the leading institutions in the region providing an excellent return on investment for tuition dollars.

Like Concordia, CW offers students personalized attention with each student having an assigned Academic Advisor and a program-specific Career Counselor and, as are CW students, students transferring in from Concordia College will receive life-long access to the CW Career Services Office.

As a career-focused college, CW offers Concordia’s students the opportunity to transfer into degree programs in Healthcare Services Administration, Business Administration, Digital and Social Media Marketing, Accounting, and Information Technology. While our B.B.A. programs in Healthcare Services Administration and Business Administration align most closely with Concordia’s B.S. degree programs in Health Services and Business Administration, respectively, our Transfer Counselors will work with each student, individually, to plan a path forward with the least disruption and quickest path to completion.

To support Concordia College students financially, CW is offering a 50% Tuition Grant. The 50% grant applies to tuition charges not covered by federal and state financial aid

To find out more contact Lianne Noe at 914.831-0297 or email her at

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