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Students of Semester for the Day College

Congratulations to Ty Phillip and Suzanna Dorleus who have been selected as Students of the Semester for the Day College.  Ty and Suzanna have been selected for this distinguished accolade by the Day College Faculty because of their 3.8+ GPA, demonstrated academic excellence, and overall dedication to their studies. Read more about Ty and Suzanna

The College of Westchester Announces Board of Trustee Appointment

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Julia Tsakalis to the Board of Trustees at The College of Westchester, effective December 2024. Julia brings a wealth of experience, and a dynamic skill set to our board. As the owner of Dynamic Heart Counseling since 2015 and a practicing psychotherapist since 2012, she has demonstrated

CW Warrior Community Does It Again!

The College of Westchester’s Student Government Association (SGA) Annual Food Drive collected 494 pounds of food this year for Feeding Westchester!  That’s double the amount of food we donated in 2023!  Feeding Westchester estimates the amount of food donated will provide 412 more meals to local individuals and families in need throughout Westchester. Thank you

CW Warriors Inducted Into Honor Societies

This past November, CW honored students inducted into Phi Theta Kappa, Sigma Beta Delta, and CW Baccalaureate Honors Program in a virtual ceremony lead by Terrence Keyes, Professor and Coordinator of the Honor Society Programs. Included in the ceremony presentation were President Karen J. Smith, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Erica Schacht, Student Services

CW Cyber Warriors Enter National Cyber League Competition

On Saturday, November 9, 2024, seven students (Fabrizio Flores, Obinna Ejianya, Dajoni Gomez, Jared McBride, Bryan Tuapanta Yagchirema, Francisco A. Ramirez Garcia, David Torres) from the School of Information Technology competed as one team called the CW Cyber Warriors in the National Cyber League (NCL) cybersecurity competition; a competition that helps prepare students for a

The Online Learning Experience at CW: Online Students Tell Their Stories

Ever curious about how to make learning at CW the best possible experience for our students, Janna Gullery, Dean of Student Life and Success set out to hear from our online students during National Distance Learning Week which takes place annually to raise awareness about the benefits of distance learning. From November 4th through November

Superintendent of the Yonkers Public Schools Visits CW

Superintendent of the Yonkers Public Schools, Anibal Soler, Jr. visited The College of Westchester (CW) to learn more about the college. During his visit, he also had the opportunity to meet a couple of CW students who were graduates from the Yonkers district. Yoselin Bello Flores and Sara Dragoj, both graduates of the Yonkers School

CW Announces Student of the Semester for the Evening College

Congratulations to Denise Calvin who was selected as Student of the Semester for the Evening College. Denise has been selected for this distinguished accolade by the Evening College Faculty because of her 4.0 GPA, demonstrated academic excellence, and overall dedication to their studies. Read more about Denise. Denise, a Jamaican native, attended the Queen’s High

FREE Fall Workshop Series for High School Students

CW is committed to its mission of being an academically student-centered college, providing the highest quality education, and this commitment extends beyond our own students.  CW acknowledges the challenges students face when transitioning from high school to college, which is why we offer complimentary workshops for high school students to ease this transition. Workshop 1:

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