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Unsung Heroes

“We recognize this week as an Unsung Hero, The College of Westchester.  They are our friend and partner.  The impact they are making now, and in the future is more than priceless.  It is more than college credits that the students are getting.  It is character development, life skills, leadership and the investment in the

Evening College Students of the Semester

Congratulations to our Students of the Semester in the Evening College; Madeline Gonzalez and Yakima Irving. As Student of the Semester recipients, Madeline and Yakima demonstrate academic excellence and effort in their degree program and hold a minimum of a 3.8 GPA.  Both students were selected by the evening college faculty.  Read about Madeline and

Day College Students of the Semester

Congratulations to our Students of the Semester in the Day College; Kristi Pantalone and William Deynes. As Student of the Semester recipients, Kristi and William demonstrate academic excellence and effort in their degree program and hold a minimum of a 3.8 GPA.  Kristi and William were selected by the faculty as Students of the Semester in

CW CIO Receives Info-Tech Award

Congratulations to CW’s CIO, Kelly Walsh for being a recipient of the Info-Tech Research Group 2020 CIO Awards. Established in 2016, Infotech’s CIO awards recognize leaders who have demonstrated exceptional value to their organization and achieved high results through stakeholder satisfaction in Infotech’s Business Vision diagnostic program. “I think this sort of recognition is vital

Accounting and Accountability, The Perfect Match to Succeed in Higher Education. Celebrating First Generation Week

Many people describe the meaning of accounting as numbers and an accountant as the person you see once a year when you file your taxes. However, for Steven Vera, a student at The College of Westchester, accounting is not only his major; it’s his passport to a long and successful career in the business world.

The eSports Gaming Club – The CW Warrior Gamers is Launched!

In partnership with Mission Control, CW has launched its first ever eSports league. The eSports Gaming Club – The CW Warrior Gamers – gives a platform for students to compete in recreational video gaming. Through eSports, students compete in online leagues and tournaments for a variety of video games. We emphasize teamwork, sportsmanship, strategic thinking

Dr. Frank Williams, Honorary Degree Recipient

The College of Westchester recognizes the decades-long commitment to public service and, in particular, to serving the social, spiritual and educational needs of the youth of our home city of White Plains, New York, provided by Mr. Frank Williams, Executive Director of The White Plains Youth Bureau and partner with The College of Westchester in

CARES Act for CW Students

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Report Emergency Grants to Students Disclosure Information: May 21, 2020 The College of Westchester (OPE ID: 00520800) received education stabilization funds under Section 18004(a)(1) of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”), Public Law No: 116-136. CW will use no less than 50 percent of the total

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