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Consumer Information

Academic Program Offerings

Information about The College’s ground campus academic program offerings are described on The College’s website:
Information about The College’s online campus academic offerings are described here

Prospective ground campus and online students should contact: Admissions Office / 914.831.0200
Enrolled students should contact: Academic Center / 914.831.0433
For additional information, click here to access The College of Westchester’s College Navigator profile.


Institutional Accreditation
The College of Westchester is accredited by The Middle States Commission on Higher Education, 1007 North Orange Street, 4th Floor, MB #166,
Wilmington, DE 19801; (267) 284-5000. The Middle States Commission on Higher Education is an institutional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.

New York State Authorization
The College of Westchester is authorized to award the Bachelor of Business Administration Degree (BBA), Bachelor of Science Degree (BS), Associate in Science Degree (AS), Associate in Applied Science Degree (AAS), and the Associate in Occupational Studies Degree (AOS) by the New York State Education Department Office of Higher Education and the Professions, Cultural Education Center, Room 5B8, Albany, NY 12230; (518) 474-5851.

Any questions concerning accreditation, approval or licensing may be directed to the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs.

Campus Security Report

Information about campus security policies and crime statistics can be found here.
This report also covers drug and alcohol abuse prevention and prevention of sexual assault.
Information about campus incidents of hate crime offenses can be found here.
For additional information –
Contact: Academic Center / 914.831.0433

For additional information, click here to access The College of Westchester’s College Navigator profile.
To find this information on the website for the US Department of Education’s Office of Postsecondary Education, visit and search for The College of Westchester (OPE ID #00520800).

Career Services

Career and placement services offered to students and graduates of the College are available here.
Contact: Director of Career Services / 914.831.0288



Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Report
Emergency Grants to Students
Disclosure Information: June 23, 2021

The College of Westchester (OPE ID: 00520800) received education stabilization funds under Section 18004(a)(1) of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”), Public Law No: 116-136. CW will use no less than 50 percent of the total funds received under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students.

The College of Westchester (CW) appreciates that Congress and the President have made these critical funds available for eligible students who have expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus pandemic. To date, The College of Westchester has awarded 1,004 students totaling $644,850 via check directly to students.

CW is making this information available in compliance with the U.S. Department of Education’s (“Department”) Electronic Announcement of May 6, 2020. For questions or concerns regarding this Fund Report, please contact Louis Commisso, CFO, at sends e-mail)

    • The total amount of funds that CW has received from the Department pursuant to the institution’s Certification and Agreement [for] Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students is $660,356.
    • The total amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants distributed to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act as of this report is $644,850.
    • The number of CW students eligible to participate in this program under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and thus eligible to receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants was 1,004 students. The total number of students who have received an Emergency Grant to date is 1,004 students.
  • Directions, or guidance provided to students concerning the Emergency Financial Aid Grants are included in the “CARES Act Student Emergency Grant Funds Action Needed” Letter and Attestation. Students were directed through a URL to an electronic attestation, with the statement noted in the attached Appendex PDF.

Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Report
Emergency Grants to Students
Disclosure Information: October 01, 2021/Final Quarterly Posting

The College of Westchester (OPE ID: 00520800) received education stabilization funds under Section 18004(a)(1) of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”), Public Law No: 116-136. CW will use no less than 50 percent of the total funds received under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students.

The College of Westchester (CW) appreciates that Congress and the President have made these critical funds available for eligible students who have expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to the coronavirus pandemic. To date, The College of Westchester has awarded 1,004 students totaling $644,850 via check directly to students.

CW is making this information available in compliance with the U.S. Department of Education’s (“Department”) Electronic Announcement of May 6, 2020. For questions or concerns regarding this Fund Report, please contact Louis Commisso, CFO, at sends e-mail)

    • The total amount of funds that CW has received from the Department pursuant to the institution’s Certification and Agreement [for] Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students is $660,356.
    • The total amount of Emergency Financial Aid Grants distributed to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act as of this report is $644,850.
    • The number of CW students eligible to participate in this program under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and thus eligible to receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants was 1,004 students. The total number of students who have received an Emergency Grant to date is 1,004 students.
    • The method used by The CW Cares Committee for this initial distribution of the Emergency Financial Aid was determined after review of guidance and participation in various webinars. Students have received grants of $350, $500 or $850 associated with the length of enrollment for any/all related COVID expenses.
  • Directions, or guidance provided to students concerning the Emergency Financial Aid Grants are included in the “CARES Act Student Emergency Grant Funds Action Needed” Letter and Attestation. Students were directed through a URL to an electronic attestation, with the statement noted in the attached Appendex PDF.


Code of Conduct for Education Loans

The College of Westchester’s Student Loan Code of Conduct is available here.

College Catalog
The College’s official catalog and addenda can be found here:

Copyright Infringement

The College of Westchester’s policies and sanctions related to copyright infringement are available here. Contact: Librarian / 914.831.0281

Credit Hour Definition and Compliance

All credit-bearing courses offered at The College of Westchester are designed to fully comply with both New York State and Federal definitions of a credit hour. State and Federal regulations mandate that every three-credit college-level course necessitates a minimum of at least 37.5 hours and 90 hours of supplementary assignments during a 15-week semester. To ensure compliance, CW designs its course schedules accordingly. The Registrar crafts a schedule for each 15-week Day Semester on-ground, ensuring a minimum of 30 class meetings, with two sessions per week, each lasting 90 minutes, totaling 2,700 minutes or 45 hours. Likewise, for each 8-week Evening Term in the Hybrid format, classes convene once weekly for 3.25 hours, amounting to 1,560 minutes or 26 hours, supplemented by 90 minutes of independent online learning weekly, totaling 720 minutes or 12 hours, ensuring a minimum of 37.5 instructional hours per course. Additionally, each course incorporates assigned independent homework totaling approximately 90 hours per course. Online courses also comply with policies related to distance education. “Instruction” is provided differently in online courses than in classroom-based courses. For online instruction it is a minimum of 2,700 minutes or 337.5 minutes per week which equates to 45 hours or 6 hours per week. For assigned homework it is a minimum of 5,400 minutes or 675 minutes per week, which equates to 90 hours or 11.25 hours per week. Students are expected to be in regular attendance, be active participants in class and online, and complete all homework assignments.

Each day semester, evening and online term schedule is carefully constructed by the College Registrar to ensure the minimum number of instructional weeks, class meeting sessions, and class meeting hours necessary to meet or exceed the instructional time described above. Every course syllabus, including learning outcomes, instructional content, and instructional resources is reviewed and approved by the College-wide Committee on Curriculum and Academic Policy. The College attendance policy, provided to students through the College Catalog, Student Handbook and every course syllabus instructs students about the expectation and importance of class attendance and participation.

CW is officially an “attendance taking institution” and therefore, students enrolled in on-ground courses must have physical attendance in the classroom in order to maintain enrollment. Attendance in online courses is determined by a student’s activity in a list of academically related activities completed within Moodle, the learning management system, including but not limited to, submitting an academic assignment, taking an exam, interactive tutorial, or computer-assisted instruction, and participating in online discussion forums. On occasion, The College of Westchester may need to close the building due to inclement weather. In these cases, classes are never canceled but rather held remotely via Moodle.

On occasion, The College of Westchester may need to close the building due to inclement weather. In these cases, classes are never canceled but rather held remotely via Moodle.

Student attendance is recorded and reported daily, and periodic audits are conducted to ensure that course syllabi, learning outcomes, class meeting hours, online learning activities, and assigned projects and homework comply with the above.

Diversity of Enrollment

In the Fall of 2023, enrollment of all undergraduate students was 891 as reported to NCES. Of these, 70% were female and 30% were male.
33% were Black, non-Hispanic; 3% Asian/Pacific Islander; 48% Hispanic; 6% White, non-Hispanic; 6% Two or More races; 4% Race/Ethnicity Unknown and 0% Nonresident alien.

Contact: Vice President, Institutional Research and Data Analysis / 914.831.0241.
For additional information, click here to access The College of Westchester’s College Navigator profile.

College Faculty

Information about The College of Westchester’s faculty is available here.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Information

The College of Westchester’s Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Information is available here.

Emergency Response and Evacuation

Emergency Response and Evacuation procedures are located here.
In case of emergency Dial 911
Security Desk: (914) 831-0292
Director of Security: (914) 831-0409

Employment Outcomes

88.5% of Bachelor’s degree graduates and 89.9% of Associate degree graduates who graduated between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023 were employed in positions related to their program of study by February 28, 2024. The employment rate percentages referenced above are based on graduate self-reported information and calculated by taking the total number of graduates employed in a related field then dividing by the total cohort of graduates who graduated between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023, less any graduates who indicated an intention to continue their education, less any graduates who expressly declined assistance from the Career Services Office or who could not be contacted by the Career Services Office.

Additional information about employment rates and types of employment obtained by College of Westchester graduates may be obtained from the Vice President of Institutional Research and Data Analysis at 914.831.0241.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The College of Westchester’s Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Policy is available here.

Federal Direct Loan Information

Information about Federal Direct Loans including application, deferments and cancellation is available in the College Catalog. Contact: Director of Student Financial Services / 914.831.0367
For additional information, click here to access The College of Westchester’s College Navigator profile.

Federal Pell Grant Recipients

Federal Pell Grant recipients comprised 74% of the matriculated undergraduate student body for the 2022-2023 award year.

For more information on Pell recipients – Contact: Vice President, Institutional Research and Data Analysis / 914.831.0241
For additional information, click here to access The College of Westchester’s College Navigator profile.

College Navigator

College Navigator is a free website from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) that helps students, parents, and others find information about programs, graduation rates, prices, and more.

The College of Westchester’s information is located here:

Financial Aid Information

Complete information about available financial aid, including need-based and non-need-based federal, New York State, veteran and institutional student financial assistance programs is available here.

For prospective students, please contact New Student Financial Services at or 914-831-0494

For current students, please contact Student Financial Services at or 914-831-0473

Graduate and Professional Education

The College of Westchester provides Information regarding the types of graduate and professional education in which graduates of its bachelor’s degree programs enroll.
This list of institutions and majors below was obtained through the National Student Clearinghouse for students who completed a bachelor’s degree between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023.
Note: All colleges and universities have their own policies regarding admission acceptance and transfer of credit. Students or graduates should contact institutions for complete information and requirements.


Enrollment Major

Graduation Rates

The College of Westchester’s graduation rate as reported to the National Center for Education Statistics is as follows:

Of full-time, first-time, degree seeking students entering The College in Fall of 2017, 32% graduated within 150% of the “normal time” to completion for their program.

The College of Westchester’s College Scorecard graduation rate is 51%, which represents the percentage of entering students that graduated within 8 years of entry, regardless of their full-time/part-time status or prior postsecondary experience. Graduation is measured 8 years after entry, irrespective of the award sought or award obtained. The entering cohort represents up to 4 years of pooled award year cohorts ending with 2014-15.

Graduation rates disaggregated by gender, race/ethnicity, and financial aid status are available from The College of Westchester’s College Navigator profile:

Net Price Calculator

CW’s Net Price Calculator is available here:

Contact: Director of Student Financial Services / 914.831.0367

Payment and Refund Policies

Information is available in the College Catalog.
Contact: Director of Student Financial Services / 914.831.0367

Retention Rates

Retention of first-time, full-time, Bachelor degree seeking undergraduates for those students entering Fall of 2022, 61% returned in Fall of 2023. 

Contact: Vice President, Institutional Research and Data Analysis / 914.831.0241. 

For additional information, click here to access The College of Westchester’s College Navigator profile.

Services provided to Students with Disabilities

In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, The College of Westchester recognizes that qualified students who have diagnosed disabilities, including learning, physical, and psychological disabilities, are entitled to an equal opportunity to benefit from the educational programs of the College and that reasonable academic accommodations may be necessary to provide that opportunity. For more information see CW Student Handbook.

Contact: Coordinator of Accessibility Services at 914.831.0229

Student Grievance Procedure

The College of Westchester’s Student Grievance Procedures are available here.

Student Activities

Information about college life and student activities can be found here:


Information about college textbooks is available here: Textbooks
Contact: CW Campus Bookstore at 914.831.0423

Transferring Credits into The College of Westchester

Information about CW’s transfer credit policy is available in the College Catalog.
Contact: Office of Admissions / 914.831.0200

Tuition, Fees and Expenses

The 2024-2025 Cost of Attendance (COA) Budget is an estimate of total expenses to attend college for one academic year. This includes two different types of costs:

  1. Direct Costs are charges that will appear on your student account such as tuition, fees, and books.
  2. Indirect Costs are items that do not appear on your student account, but are costs associated with going to college such as transportation, food and housing and living expenses and miscellaneous and personal expenses.

Below is the Day Division Student COA Budget (full time / 2 semesters / 27 credits) for a dependent student, without dependents living with parents.

Books, Couse Materials, Supplies, and Equipment………………….$1,000
General Student Services Fees ………………………………………………$1,485
Food and Housing/Living Expenses………………………………………..$1,824
Miscellaneous and Personal…………………………………………………..$3,637
Total Estimated Cost………………………………………………………………$32,780

Other Cost of Attendance Budgets may apply. Please refer to the College Catalog or Addendum for other COA Budgets and additional information.

Vaccination Policies

Immunization and Meningococcal Requirements

New York State Public Health Law requires all college students born on or after January 1, 1957 wishing to register for and attend classes to provide proof of immunity to measles, mumps and rubella in order to attend college. Not complying with these state mandated requirements on a timely basis will result in exclusion from classes.

The following documents are acceptable:

  1. Physician proof of vaccine administered on or after the first birthday. For measles, this must include two doses of live measles vaccine. Mumps and Rubella require one dose or;
  2. Documented laboratory blood tests which prove existing immunity to any or all three diseases or;
  3. Written documentation of medical or religious factors which prohibit you from being immunized.

In addition, effective August 15, 2003, New York State Public Health Law requires The College to distribute information about meningococcal meningitis and vaccination to all registered students. Students are required to sign a Response Form indicating they had the meningococcal meningitis immunization within the past ten years (provide date), or will be immunized within 30 days, or have been provided with information about the risks and decided not to be vaccinated.

Contact: Admissions (914) 831-0200

Withdrawal Procedure

Withdrawal from The College

If a student finds it necessary to withdraw from The College, the student must contact an advising professional in person, via phone, or in writing, to discuss the withdrawal process at and/or 914-831-0433.  A student should also contact a member of the Student Financial Services Department at 914-831.0473 to discuss any financial obligations to the College and to complete the Student Loan exit interview if applicable. 

    If a student in the Day Division withdraws from The College within the forty-five (45) calendar days following the ten (10) calendar days of the Add/Drop period (total of 55 calendar days), a grade of WD (withdrawal no credit) will be given.  After the end of the Withdrawal period, withdrawal from The College will result in “F” grades for the courses.  

    If a student in the Evening Division withdraws from The College within the twenty-five (25) calendar days following the fourteen (14) days of the Add/Drop period (a total of 39 calendar days), a grade of WD (withdrawal no credit) will be given. After the end of the Withdrawal period, withdrawal from The College will result in “F” grades for the courses.

    In the Online Division if a student withdraws within the twenty-five (25) calendar days following the fourteen (14) calendar days of the Drop period (total of 39 calendar days), a grade of WD (withdrawal no credit) will be given. After the Withdrawal period, withdrawal from The College will result in “F” grades for the courses. 

    If the last day of the add/drop and/or withdrawal period falls on a holiday, the period will end on the ‘next day.

                Please refer to the catalog or its addendum for refund and withdrawal policies that may affect student financial responsibility.

Online Programs/NC-SARA

Out-of-State Students
Online Programs / NC-SARA

The College of Westchester is approved to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements. For additional information about the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements, visit NC-SARA.  This allows students from other states, except California, to pursue online programs at The College.

Online programs are subject to regulation by New York State, as well as by the state of each student’s residence. Since a student’s state residency may affect eligibility to remain enrolled in the College, it is essential that online students intending to change their state of residence notify their Academic Advisor as soon as possible in advance.

Professional Licensure and Certification
Currently, The College of Westchester’s degree and certificate programs do not lead to occupations that require licensure or certification.

Online Student Complaint Process
Students must first follow the Student Grievance Procedures by filing their complaint with the College. If the issue is not resolved, the complaint can then be directed to the New York NC-SARA State Portal Entity below. Please note that NC-SARA policies do not cover complaints related to grades or student conduct violations and must be filed within two years of the incident.

NC-SARA facilitates interstate distance education by establishing a uniform set of standards and policies for participating institutions. This means that if a student in one SARA state has an issue with a distance education program offered by an institution in another SARA state, NC-SARA policies will guide the resolution process.

New York NC-SARA State Portal Entity
New York State Education Department
89 Washington Ave
Albany, NY 12234
NC-SARA State Portal Entity

A list which includes the contact information for the relevant state agencies are located at SARA for States | NC-SARA. Students who file a grievance are assured that no adverse action will be taken against them for filing a complaint.

Additional information is available at New York State Education Department’s complaint procedures.

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