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CW provides a career-focused education which is developed with input from CW faculty and the CW College Advisory Council.
We understand building a corporate partnership requires a holistic approach which includes having an open dialogue with educators and employers.

Our goal for an effective corporate partnership with you is to build a long-term strategic and unique relationship resulting in positive ROI for all involved.

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Call: 914-831-0200

Your Employee Can:
Receive up to a 50% Tuition Discount
Transfer up to 90 credits toward a Bachelor’s degree with a grade of C (2.0 GPA) or better.
Transfer credits from previous education, certification exams, articulations, Advanced Placement Programs, test-out exemptions, portfolio evaluation and other avenues.

Online Excellence

The College of Westchester received the prestigious 2015 Quality Matters (QM) “Making a Difference for Students” Award in the Institution Category.

Quality Matters logo

The QM Award recognizes institutional efforts exemplifying QM’s focus on learners. Awardees demonstrate a commitment to ensuring high course quality and using different but valuable approaches to improving learner outcomes. QM is a leader in quality assurance for online education and has received national recognition for its peer-based approach and continuous improvement in online education and student learning.


Eleven Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) scholarships have been awarded to CW accounting students over the past four years; available to only the top 5% of accounting students in the nation at their respective schools.

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