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CW signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Black Chamber of Commerce Press Release

The College of Westchester (CW) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the National Black Chamber of Commerce (NBCC) on March 21, 2017 at the Washington, D.C. headquarters of the NBCC by CW president Mary Beth Del Balzo and NBCC president Harry C. Alford.  The Memorandum of Understanding to work together in partnership was signed to facilitate the continuing education and professional development of NBCC members toward the goal of improving their business operations and outcomes, and enriching the lives of its members.

The National Black Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit, volunteer business association founded in 1993 in response to the needs of a growing black business community and in response to the desire of these black businesses to have a greater involvement in the economic development and vitality of the American business sector. The mission of NBCC is to develop, educate, advocate and enhance the economic status of the Black Business community by strengthening Black Businesses and creating an environment that produces more Black Entrepreneurs. The NBCC has 200 chapters in 40 states.

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