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CW logo Warrior Fall Semester Protocols & Information

Welcome to the beginning of the Fall 2021 semester!

Keeping campus safe:

The health and wellbeing of our CW Community is always first and foremost in our minds, no more so than during this pandemic.

We continue to adhere to all guidelines set and updated by the CDC, New York State and the regional Department of Health authorities. As Covid and the Delta Variant continue to be a factor, we monitor information daily and we will continue to communicate our safety objectives to you as they arise.

Masks and Vaccines:

Masks are required at all times for everyone on campus, and also required by us all when taking public transportation to and from campus.

Effective September 24th, we are requiring all students who are on campus regularly to be vaccinated.

Other Campus Safety Measures:

Daily hospital grade cleaning of all surfaces. HVAC air sanitizing system throughout campus, additional air cleaners in strategic locations, plexiglass installed at every workstation, hand sanitizer dispensers in all hallways, common areas and in every classroom.

CW Open House for ALL Returning Students:

September 9, 2021
10:00am – 7:00pm

New Student Orientation:

Monday, September 13 and Tuesday, September 14 (both days are required)
9:00am – 3:00pm

Thursday, September 16
6:00pm — 7:30pm

Classes Begin:

Wednesday, September 15

Monday, September 20

Can I visit campus now?

Please visit campus for tours, studying and research, as well as visits with admissions counselors, academic advisors, financial aid advisors, the Learning Center and tutors, as well as the Library and Career Services. Let us know you are visiting!

Questions or concerns?

Admissions Department — 914-831-0200

Student Concierge — 914-831-0433

Also, through the CW Everywhere App direct dial numbers and emails for your professors, advisors and everyone else.

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