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CW Offers

Offerings Developed Specifically to Serve Our Veteran Students

Yellow Ribbon funding

CW is a Yellow Ribbon participant, offering up to $6700 an academic year in supplemental funding to those Veterans who qualify for the full Post-911 benefit.

One-on-one informational interview via phone or in person

Before or while you apply, an admissions counselor can speak with you personally to answer your questions and give you the tools to information you need to decide if CW is right for you. Click to contact CW.

Step-by-step guidance

CW has dedicated staff available to answer questions and to help determine eligibility for you and your family. We offer step-by-step guidance to access your benefits and assistance with deferment of student loans upon redeployment.

Flexible schedules

You can take a combination of day, evening, and online classes. Some classes are even offered in a classroom + plus online mode, allowing you to study with more flexibility. Pick the time that works for you!

Lifetime career placement assistance

The College of Westchester’s Office of Career Services staff carefully guides students through the entire process of planning and preparing for their actual job search.

A member of ACE, American Council on Education

CW is recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE) to allow credit for military training, experience, and other non-traditional life experience. ACE is the nation’s most visible and influential higher education association with more than 1,800 member institutions, 75 percent of which have been with ACE for over 10 years.

CW is approved by the NY State VA Approving Agency

The College of Westchester is approved to offer its academic programs as an institution of Higher Learning by NY State VA Approving Agency.

The College of Westchester Stars and Stripes Student Support Club

CW Stars and Stripes Student Support Club helps facilitate events for veterans and their families. It also serves to provide a source of support to veterans in their transition to college student.

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