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CW Announces Student Warriors of the Semester, Day College

Tuesday, June 25, 2024
CW Announces Student Warriors of the Semester, Day College


From L to R: President Karen Smith, Pedro
Villa, Dajoni Gomez and Dr. Erica Schacht,
VP of Academic Affairs.


Congratulations to Pedro Villa and Dajoni Gomez who have been selected as Students of the Semester for the Day College.

Pedro and Dajoni have been selected for this distinguished accolade by the Day College Faculty because of their 3.8+ GPA, demonstrated academic excellence, and overall dedication to their studies. Read more about Pedro and Dajoni here:

Pedro was born in Bronx, NY and raised in White Plains. He graduated from White Plains High School and having spent his entire K-12 education here in White Plains, he maintains his Tiger Pride. Pedro’s three older siblings, one of which attends college like him, are both expecting to graduate next year. 

Pedro chose to come to CW because of the great opportunities it had to offer. With his outstanding grades in high school, a GPA of 4.2, and his dedication to making academics counts, CW offered him a full ride with the Empower Scholarship. Pedro saw this opportunity and couldn’t pass up.  Now that he has achieved the Winter Day 2024 Student of the Semester recognition (Bachelors), he’d say it was worth it.

Pedro is majoring in Interactive Digital Media and Marketing and is expected to graduate with his Bachelor of Science degree in 2025. Throughout his time here, Pedro has achieved many digital badges for his leadership and hard work. Pedro has earned the CW Student Leadership, Club Officer badge, the CW Student Government badge, and the APC Student Leadership Council badge. Not only has Pedro made an impact at CW but has represented CW all the way in Texas with Enactus by participating in the Early-Stage Competition. There he took entrepreneurial action with his teammates to create a better world for us all.

Pedro’s career goal after CW is to make something of himself. This may be through helping others, sharing his creativity and visions with the world, or doing what he loves and finds fulfillment in. Pedro plans to take the knowledge he’s gained at CW and go into the workforce with confidence and hope that he’ll succeed in whatever he puts his mind to. Overall, Pedro’s main goal in life is to create something that will outlive him and positively impact the world.

Dajon was born in Manhattan and as a youngster, moved to the Bronx.   Attending high school in the South Bronx, in a neighborhood known for its dangers was very challenging. Despite the challenges and the constant need to be vigilant, Dajoni succeeded in graduating from high school during the COVID-19 pandemic. Graduating during a pandemic was yet another challenge, but it instilled resilience and determination in Dajoni to pursue future endeavors. The journey to find a true calling took some time.

Many activities resonated once Dajoni discovered a passion for learning about technology and building PCs. This interest sparked an excitement for all things tech-related. Becoming immersed in learning about different aspects of technology, from hardware components to software systems, the realization that technology could be both a hobby and a career was a turning point.

Dajoni says, “I chose CW because the college offered an atmosphere that facilitated engagement with professors, and collaborative opportunities with peers. The supportive environment at CW allowed me to thrive academically and socially. The close-knit community made it easy to form meaningful connections and to find mentors who provided guidance and inspiration.”

A Computer Network Administration associate degree major, Dajoni plans to pursue a bachelor's degree as well. Dajoni has consistently been on the Dean's List and the President's List for maintaining an outstanding GPA.  Dajoni shared, “The true reward is enjoying the learning process and sharing knowledge with peers to help inspire them too.” The recognition from the Dean's and President's Lists affirmed Dajoni's dedication and hard work, providing motivation to aim even higher!

Dajoni's career goal is to enter the field of cybersecurity, which is growing and in high demand and to make the world a safer place by protecting people and aiding organizations. “Cybersecurity is not just a career for me, it's a mission to contribute to the greater good. I am committed to continually improving my skills and staying updated with the latest advancements in the field. By doing so, I aim to be at the forefront of protecting digital infrastructures and ensuring the safety of information in an increasingly connected world.”