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Scholarships are available to all qualified online CW students to help make your education more affordable.

Scholarships for Students Like You

CW offers a great variety of scholarships, institutional grants and awards to adult, online and transfers students. To find out how CW helps to make college affordable, click here or give us a call at 1-833-768-2842 or 914-348-4308.

The CW Inspire Award

This award provides scholarship/grant funds to accepted students based on both academic merit and financial need. The CW Inspire Award applies to direct tuition charges not covered by Federal Pell and SEOG grants, New York State TAP and ETA grants or other outside grant/scholarship funding. Eligible students must demonstrate academic potential based on prior academic achievement, work/volunteer experience or other factors; and possess a Student Aid Index (SAI) of 500 or lower in each award year. Students must be eligible for both Federal Pell and New York State TAP grants. (Residents outside of New York State are not eligible) Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 to avoid loss of eligibility. Other academic and financial eligibility requirements apply and are detailed in The CW Inspire Award Statement of Understanding and Agreement. Selected Inspire Award recipients may also qualify for Inspire Plus+ grant funds which covers costs for student fees and textbooks based on need. For additional eligibility requirements, please contact the Office of Admissions.

Kemique, BBA Accounting Grad – Class of 2016
Academically, before The College of Westchester, I failed.”

Hear Kemique’s inspiring speech!

Achievement Awards

This grant is awarded at the discretion of the Achievement Award Committee which carefully considers a
student’s academic promise and their financial need. Award amounts range up to $8,000 per year. Students
must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA at the end of each academic term/semester in order to receive
subsequent awards.

CW Program Scholarships

The School of Business, Information Technology and Health Professions Scholarships ranging up to $8,000 per year. Scholarships are awarded based on prior academic performance, future potential and financial need may be considered. Students may not use this scholarship with any other College of Westchester scholarship. Students must maintain a 2.5 cumulative GPA at the end of each academic term/semester in order to receive subsequent awards.

Joseph and Julia Sutkowski Memorial Scholarships

(Freshman and Sophomore only)

Students who have graduated from high school with an 80% or better cumulative grade average or who have
completed a minimum of at least 24 credits at a prior college with a 3.0 or better GPA evidenced by an official transcript may be awarded up to $5,000 per year. Students must maintain 2.50 cumulative GPA at the end of each academic term/semester in order to receive subsequent awards.

Transfer Scholarships

The College offers scholarships to students who transfer into CW with credits earned from prior colleges.
Tuition scholarships range from 20 to 40 percent based on prior credits earned and cumulative grade point
average. Scholarship percentage is applied to the remaining tuition balance after all eligible federal, state and third party grants and scholarships have been applied. Students must maintain a 2.50 cumulative GPA at the end of each academic term/semester in order to receive subsequent awards.

Matching Scholarships

Students who have received an approved outside scholarship are eligible to have their awards matched by The College of Westchester. Each matching scholarship may not exceed $2,000 per year. If the approved outside scholarship is awarded each year, the matching scholarship will be credited to the student’s account in the same year. If the approved outside scholarship is awarded in the first year only, the matching scholarship will be matched in the student’s second year.

Institutional Grants

The College makes available a number of institutional grants for new and continuing students. Grants are awarded based on financial need. Special consideration is given to students in critical need of assistance to continue studies. Grants range up to $5,000 per year. Students must re-apply each year. Students must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA at the end of each academic semester in order to receive subsequent awards.

CW Program Grants

The College offers grants to students enrolled in programs who are nearing the completion of their studies or have found it difficult to complete. CW Program Grants are designed to reward students’ persistence in their program of study.

The College of Westchester Charitable Foundation Scholarships

The College of Westchester Charitable Foundation (CWCF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization which awards scholarships to students who demonstrate academic promise. The CWCF annually invites CW students to submit application for consideration.

CW Partners Recognition Award

The College of Westchester has selected specific area corporations, non-profits and community-based organizations as Official CW Partners. Employees of CW Partners may be eligible to receive up to 20% toward tuition and their immediate family members (spouses/dependent children) may be eligible to receive up to 12% toward tuition. This special CW Partners Recognition Award applies toward tuition balances, only after employer tuition reimbursement and any other external financial assistance are applied.

Awards are only effective for dates in which Official CW Partner Agreements are active and is not retroactive. This award cannot be combined with any other CW merit scholarship, and does not apply toward books/electronic media and fees or other expenses. The funds are distributed equally per credit at the end of each academic semester/term of enrollment and students must maintain a 2.0 or better cumulative grade point average at the end of each academic semester/term in order to receive subsequent awards. In the event a student receives any increase in NY State TAP, Federal PELL, FSEOG or outside scholarship, the CW Award may be reduced. If students leave before completion of the academic semester/term, they will lose their Award. Proof of employment will need to be submitted at the beginning of the enrollment and will need to be submitted each new award year. Continuing students should contact the Student Financial Assistance Office and prospective students should contact the Admissions Office for further details.

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