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Neranyi Roman, Class of 2024

To current students majoring in Business Administration, I encourage you to fully embrace the community you have at The College of Westchester. Take advantage of the opportunities for hands-on experience, whether through internships, clubs, or part-time positions. Remain open to diverse career paths. My role at BronxWorks may not fit the conventional business mold, but it exemplifies how versatile a Business Administration degree can be.

Look for ways to merge your passion with your career aspirations; this intersection often leads to the most fulfilling professional journeys. Lastly, prioritize continuous learning. The business landscape is constantly evolving, and staying updated with industry trends and acquiring new skills will keep you competitive. Whether through formal education or self-directed learning, committing to lifelong growth—much like the values instilled at CW—can be one of your greatest assets.

Neranyi Roman, Class of 2024

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